advertisement aetherium agent ai akhlals alekians alliance_of_free_clients anesad anglic anomaly antillia antillian area ark army asteroid astroengineering atlantis baron baroness battlegroup battleship belt biological_weapons biology biosphere_engineering black blades capital cerean cerean_anglic ceres ceres_commonwealthstub chevron city civilian civilization civillian clan_raddeka clarketech client_race cloning coi collective colonies colonisation colony command commander commerce commercial commercial-vessel commonality commonwealth communications computer concept confederacy confederate confederate_space_corps confederation confederation_of_outlying_systems conquest core corporation corvette cos crime criminal cruiser cults culture currency cybernetics data defence defense destroyer desuneres dictionary diplomacy dojarik dorn drifter drop_pod drugs dwarf_planet ecology economic economy edict emperor emperors empire energy engineering era eridanus etresi event exodus_first extranet faction farstar ferinh fiction fighter firearms first_diaspora free_clients freyta frontier frontier_last ftl gaia gaian gaian_emissaries gaianism galactic_map gas gas_giant gene-engineering genetic_engineering genetics geoengineering giant government great gunboat habitat habitation hekus hinterlands historical history hologram homeworld hospital human ice idaspri idaspri_commonwealth ideology ilthwithp imperial_sphere imperium individual indoctrination industrial industry infrastructure infrstructure inner_first inner_second intelligence iolon ironborn iron_womb item ithwithp jorros jovian jovian_coalition jump-gate jupiter kanarr kanarr_system kdc keequay khazad khtaikos khtaikos_neurome kingdom knesp knesp_empire kronos_haven lagrange language larango_sector law leaders leo life lilithim lilithim_sphere lord lord_hekus_freyta_suros lord_suros luna maelstrom maleficium mandonia mandonian marine marketing mars material materials medicine memetics

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