


The Viselli were one of the first Tysian client species, although they are primarily aquatic, they spend a significant amount of time on land. This duality, as well as their versatility, has made them very popular workers with Tys Kril overseer packs, who, over the millenia, spread the Viselli all over the Tysian Sphere to man underwater farms, mining operations and industrial sites. As such, the only species more universally present in the sphere is the Pontik themselves. As of the Tysian Splintering, there are several nations of free Viselli in the Alliance of Free Clients, and they are a common sight across both halves of the Tysian Sphere.

Species Origins

Homeworld: Vassan
Class: Amphivassani
Scientific Name: Vissan sapiens
Evolutionary History: Evolved as ambush predators and gatherers, making extensive use of land for shelter and resources, the need for tools and more efficient land nests, along with communication eventually led to sentience.
Earliest Evidence of Civilization: 40.000 BCE, earlier civilisation suspected
Enlightenment Date: 2158


Anatomy: The Viselli skeleton is made up of two main components:

  • 'Bladderbones', bladders of non-newtonian fluid arranged in parallel, staggered chains surrounded by muscles to solidify them. Can bend and function as joints when not solid.
  • 'Weaveplates', a tough, cartillage-like material formed into networks of tubes, filled with the same non-newtonian fluid. The networks from protective cages around the head and torso. A more springy cartillage-like material covers the network and fills up the gaps. Also functions as anchor point for muscles and bladderbones. Somewhat flexible. It function both as a protective layer and as anchoring for limbs and muscle.

The torso is somewhat conical in shape, being wider on one end and narrower on the other. It is surrounded by a layer of weaveplate and contains most organs.
In total, there are six limbs, two near the top, at the wide end of the torso, and four arranged radially near the short end. The limbs are long stretches of bladderbone surrounded by muscles, splitting into 6 finger-like appendages with retractable claws near the end. They also feature foldable fins. The upper limbs feature more developed fingers and a single large fin each, the lower limbs each have several long fins running close to the limb.
The head features a layer of weaveplate thicker than that of the torso, containing the brain and most sensory organs as well as the mouth. Due to the bone structure, there is no jawbone, instead a flap similar to the fins opens or closes as needed, organs similar to the branched limb-ends are present within the mouth to hold and chew food. There are tentacle-like structures dotted over the head that aid in detecting water currents and wind, as well as having a function in facial expression.
Physiology: The Viselli are primarily an aquatic species, spending a majority of their time in coastal waters, lakes and rivers. Within water, they use their limbs for propulsion in a way similar to terestrial octopi. On land and in shallows, they walk by throwing a limb forward and solidifying its bladderbones when it hits the ground, repeating as needed. Although all limbs can be used for this, one or more may be repurposed for tasks such as carrying tools depending on the abilities of the individual. The branching ends of the upper limbs are used for fine manipulation, being highly dextrous. In general, Viselli limbs are stronger and more versatile in movement than their human analogues, but lack in endurance.
Genetics: Carbon-based DNA
Amino Acid Chirality Dextro
Reproduction: The Viselli are hermaphrodites, laying externally fertilised eggs. Wether or not a given individual lays an egg depends on complex hormonal balances influenced by temperature, diet, emotional state, age and general health. The eggs are typically brought to a sheltered location on land, often a communal site. Individuals who wish to raise a child take an egg from this store, fertilise it, and relocate it to their own home.
Gestation Period: Around 200 T-days, or just under half a local year
Life Cycle: <Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood… if Applicable>
Diet: Omnivore
Sleep Cycle: Traditionally, sleep occured while lying in ambush. The Viselli are capable of setting up the mental equivalent of simple if-then programs when going to sleep, such as waking up when prey comes nearby and grabbing it even before the higher-level consciousness is awake enough to issue such instructions. In seasons or environments where ambush is infeasible, they will sleep more conventionally, though without consistant circadian rhytmm.



Society & Culture

Sexuality: (If Applicable)
Gender Roles: N/a
Language: Visellian Trentic, Wriglee
Religion: Very little is left of Visellian religion, over the millenia, the Pontik have succesfully overridden the old Viselli religions with one worshipping the Pontik as a means of ensuring loyalty and stability among Viselli populations. Typically, the land and water the population works on is seen as a holy gift from the Tys Kril, and the production quota as something in between rent, taxes and religious offerings.
Philosophical Concepts:


Psionic Potential: No
Rate of Occurrence: N/a
Relative Power: N/a
Role In Society: N/a